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lovenshij • 2 years ago

Tears of joy
Just prepare some food for luffy

Zackufrez755 • 2 years ago

That's what I'm sayin

Meme_ladybug💫 • 1 year ago

Why is Rebecca making Luffy drink her tears

Meme_ladybug💫 • 1 year ago

Wow what an arc truly amazing toy soldier 🥺

Retakes • 1 year ago

i feel like doffy still had more to show
besides, doflamingo couldve ended it in a second if he didnt hold back at the beginning

Osamu Dazai • 1 year ago


Saad Unravels • 1 year ago

The piano theme at the start as Viola remembered her past begging Doflamingo and Rebecca crying on luffy head was very emotional! And then the beloved xylophone theme!!
Toy Soldier Kyros crying at the end after remembering how his useless tin eyes couldn't shed tears and feel the warmth of scarlet... pretty emotional

Itz easssy_idontdance • 2 years ago

It doesn't make sense for doffy to make the factory for producing DEVIL FRUITS out of sea prism stone

kloaf123 • 1 year ago

Most people who are a threat to him have entire crews of devil fruit users

Kyogy • 2 years ago

Why not? Does sea prism stone destroy devil fruits or weaken their users?

Darlatteyy (datte) • 2 years ago

yeah smth like hat

CosmicBlu • 1 year ago

it weakens power users with devil fruit powers. Remember, smoky has a trident tipped with the stuff, it makes him formidable

Zorthox • 2 years ago

Peace atlast

Kami_Whis • 2 years ago

05:51 agaaain !!!

Mauro Cananzi • 2 years ago

Why even upload it if you were going to leave 2bep anyways